Electrical, Solar powered, or some other Energy driven Network Door Opener

Remember the disclaimer? Should you decide to act upon any information on this website, you do so at your own risk.

Minimal Components
Energy Source
Chip , that can Communicate Through WiFi
Relay (electrically operated switch)
Server / Broker
Computer, Smartphone, SmartWatch, Smart-Car, or any other Smart Device.
Electronic lock or Any type of a device suitable for the purpose.

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Energy Source

The door strike I'm using in the examples below has a current consumptions of 660mA. The Sonoff module I'm using in the examples below has an average current consumption of 80mA. The most convenient way would be to use the electricity that is present in most homes. You would just need to convert the AC to DC. You can buy an AC to DC converter for as little as 3EUR at the time of this writing. To use a Solar panel, is in the time of this writing a very Popular choice. Because in most places on earth, the Sun isn't strong enough for 24 hours a day, you would also need a battery. As you need to somehow handle the charging of the battery, you either need a Charger module or something similar as what I'm using in the examples below - Solar Power Management Modul. The Solar Power Management Module combines some elements. If you choose, you could buy them separately and combine them yourself. For those interested in combining the core elements - - You could copy some known design quite easily with the information available on the internet in the time of this writing. There are also plenty of resources that offer the knowledge necessary to design them autonomously. You could also convert some other form of energy, like Kinetic energy into electrical energy. Many individuals around the world are trying to find methods to convert energy so it would be usable for our needs.

Example: Most homes have some sort of roof. When it's raining you could “use” the rain to get some energy. This type of ideas are certainly not new. Because the door strike isn't using the energy the whole time - just when you want to open the door, it would be wise to use a battery or a Capacitor or you would be “wasting” the water, because you would need to produce the amount of energy continuously, to power the chip and to release the strike. 80mA (Sonoff) + 660mA (strike) = 740mA. We could calculate the amount of water needed, or we could use online tools available from the community. The amount of water is heavily dependent on the efficiency of the turbine and the generator. To build a generator at home is easy. To build an efficient turbine is a whole different level.

Some Open-Source tools:

For this purpose, we will use a mini turbine available. Priyabrata Adhikary, Pankaj Kr Roy and Asis Mazumdar from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, did a Case Study. I did some basic measurements myself. According to the mentioned case study, the technical documentation for the turbine and my measurements, is the minimum pressure about 0,05Mpa. The International System of Units states that in terms of units the MPa = m-1·kg·s-2. For some people it’s easier to imagine in bar. 0,5bar is roughly 5 Meters of Water (mH2O). It’s clear we need to either ensure a relatively high ground to store the water or we need to collect high amounts of water. We are going to use the online tools to calculate how much water is needed.

Example roof:
House, height of Gutter - 4m
Roof Surface area - 200m2

With the help of the online community tools we get the amount of roughly 1m3 of water per day for the module. Only 1 week period when it’s not raining, we still would need to “collect” 7m3 of water for the week only for the module. With a 200m2 roof we would need an minimum annual precipitation rate of 7m3*52 weeks = 364m3 for only the modules. Because the water “gains” energy that can be “collected” during a free fall in the atmosphere someone trying to “collect” the energy with a higher hight of the Gutter would need an accordingly higher height of the Gutter. Collecting these amounts doesn't make sense even because of the evaporation effect. To “collect„ or store the energy in some other form, requires other resources and as it isn't raining the same rate continuously, poses another challenge. The students’ work from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) offers quite interesting insights into this topic.

The Wind is far less dens. With the help of the online tools we could get the surface we would need to power the module and the strike. Be sure to “realistically” insert the efficiency of the turbine. You also have to find a decent product in terms of the turbine. Many companies offer mini wind turbines, sadly from my experience only a few are in some way useful. Energy harvesting is easier today than ever before - well, better to say in the known history. But still if you step up from promises to the physical reality, you'll find that there are not many products that are useful. Even if you're thinking you'll do good for the environment there is a broader concept, not as easy to interpret as someone would think. First thing to consider - How Green is ‘Green’ Energy? What resources and how much energy its needed to produce a wind turbine VS how much energy could you extract from the turbine in its lifespan should be the first question to ask if you are considering buying a wind turbine to “help” the environment.

Some thoughts to consider:
The Dark Side of Solar Power
An overview of solar photovoltaic panels’ end-of-life material recycling
The down side to wind power
The down side to wind power
Mines, Minerals, and "Green" Energy: A Reality Check
Yes, we have enough materials to power the world with renewable energy
Atomic Energy:
The stages of fission
World Nuclear Association
International Atomic Energy Agency
World Nuclear Transport Institute
Molten Salt Reactor Technology

To choose the “right” energy source isn't as easy as someone would think. There is so much controversial research that it's hard to really know the “truth”. If you're not concerned about all the problems on how humanity is using the energy and the resources, then it's just a matter of choosing a product that fits the bill. It's basically more or less a question on how pessimistic or optimistic is your world view and what obligations you think we have to future generations.

Chip, able of Executing 1 Command and can Communicate Through a Network

You could make a chip by yourself yourself but it's far from easy. As you can buy a module that has the esp8285 chip, suitable for the purpose, for less than $3 at the time of this writing, it would be a waste of time and money to try to build one yourself. To try building one out of other reasons, it would be only possible investing a lot of time and money. If you are not concerned over the size, you would need to consider that such a device would be complex, and the possibility of error rises with every element. Let’s try to figure out what would it take to build such a device.

The modules I am using in the examples below have the ability to stay on; after initiation stay on for a second, then switch off; stay on for a preset period of time. Doing it stationary, would mean to use a so cold relay (electrically operated switch). The chip only sends a signal and the rest does the relay or the software on the device from witch the signal is being initiated. For the sending of the signal, we will be using an existing device, so first we need to figure out how existing devices are communicating. For this type of communication MQTT protocol is mostly used in the time of this writing. The MQTT protocol is a so-called client – server model. The device we are trying to design “only” needs to be able to communicate with the server / Broker. To be able to communicate with an MQTT Broker over WI-FI we would also need to establish a Wi-Fi connection. How are existing devices communicating over Wi-Fi? The so-called IEEE 802.11 is used in the time of this writing. How many bits for IEEE 802.11? How many bits for MQTT? If your English or German speaking there a lot of resources available for someone who wanted to learn about the hardware implementation. It’s all happening on the binary level. At least on deterministic machines. Nondeterministic machines apply a fundamentally different approach.

Quantum computing:
Azure Quantum cloud service

Most devices in the time of this writing operate with the help of Boolean logic. The binary implementation is done in the time of this writing through integrated circuits on semiconductor chips. Someone willing, could represent the logical gates using transistors. Many people shared their implementation of logic gates with transistors. We should keep in mind that according to this source since the 1960 there was an increase of logical gates implementations in calculators from 12 logic gates in the 1960´s to more than 1000 logic gates in the early 1970`s. World known players currently designing Wi-Fi chips.

Some resources:
How ro Reverse Enginner a CHIP
4-Bit Adder Design and Simulation
Cypress CYW43364
Design of transmitter front‑end for WLAN 802.11ax application
Overview of the 802.11 Physical Layer and Transmitter Measurements

Server / Broker

Because of the nature of the communication a central device is used to handle the communication with the chips. The so called MQTT protocol is mostly used for this type of communication in the time of this writing.
MQTT-Version 5.0
Beginners Guide
Eclipse foundation
Eclipse Mosquitto
HiveMQ – Free Public Broker


Working with electricity can be dangerous and can result in serious injury or death! Most countries have laws that prohibit uncertified persons to work with electricity! Based on my knowledge some minor works are allowed in most countries, but you should carefully check the regulation from your country and consult a professional! Should you decide to act upon any information on this website, you do so at your own risk!

Example 1
AC/DC Converter
SONOFF 5V wifi inching/selflock relay module
Electronic strike
eWeLink APP
No brainer.

Example 2
Solar panel
SONOFF 5V wifi inching/selflock relay module
Solar Power Management Modul
Electronic strike
eWeLink APP
How long will it work without the sun and how many times you can open the door will depend on the battery. You can calculate it or use the online tool. How long will it take to charge the battery? - Battery Charging Time Calculator. If one battery isn't enough you could connect two batteries in parallel as you can calculate with the help of the online tools that the solar panel would be capable to charge two or even three 14500 Li-Ion batteries depending on the size off the battery and obviously also the use of the electronic strike. You could also choose another system. . Below are some resources on the topic to get a basic understanding on the topic and be able to better choose to buy one or even consider building parts of this system on a basis of a DIY Ethos.

Some resources:
Choosing the Right Solar Charge Controller/Regulator
Design of an Arduino based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Solar Charge Controller
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Circuit
MPPT Solar Charge Controller Circuits
DIY Circuit Design: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
400-W GaN-Based MPPT Charge Controller and Power Optimizer Reference Design
How to Build a Solar Panel
How to Make a Solar Panel: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
How to Make Solar Cells
How to Build & Use a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) + a Discussion on Energy & Efficiency
Solar PV cell construction

Work in progress…